天氣預報式戀愛 線上看...

【又名】戀愛預報 / Weather Forecast Love / Ilgiyebojeokyeonae / 일기예보적 연애
【主演】申正祐 / 金明燦
【類型】韓劇 / 劇情 / 同性 / 奇幻
【集數】8集 (已完結)
【簡介】《天氣預報式戀愛》講述了一個男孩因為鬼魂而晚上睡不好的故事,直到他第一次在一個男人旁邊睡得好WhyNot Media & Kenaz are adapting the manhwa by Gwendolin, Samyoung. The story of Dong-wook, who suffers from insomnia because of ghost s that haunt him. He falls asleep comfortably for the first time in his life next to Do-hyun.
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