校園哲學家第一季 線上看...

【又名】墨林 / Merlí Season 1
【編劇】Héctor Lozano
【導演】Eduard Cortés / Menna Fité
【主演】大衛·索蘭斯 David Solans / 弗蘭塞斯克·奧雷利亞 / 佩雷·龐塞 / 卡洛斯.古爾巴斯 / Marta Marco / Candela Antón ...
【類型】劇情 / 喜劇
【集數】13集 (已完結)
【豆評】8.9/10 from 1,103 users
【簡介】《校園哲學家第一季》TV series about a high school philosophy teacher, Merlí, who teaches in an original way, and about the students of his class, including his own son, and the relationship, friendship, love, and problems between the students of the class.
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