重新愛上你 線上看...

【又名】In Love All Over Again / Todas las veces que nos enamoramos
【導演】Bàrbara Farré / 馬特奧·希爾 / Ginesta Guindal ...
【主演】喬治娜·阿莫羅斯 / Franco Masini / Albert Salazar
【類型】劇情 / 喜劇
【集數】8集 (已完結)
【豆評】6.0/10 from 120 users
【簡介】《重新愛上你》Year 2003, Irene a young film student who is preparing a short film. To star in it, she meets Julio, with whom she quickly falls in love. But time and life take them down other paths, extending to the present.
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