我為養生狂 線上看...

【編劇】本傑明·羅 / 布莉吉妲·德萊尼
【導演】海倫娜·布魯克斯 / 艾琳·懷特
【主演】莎莉絲特·巴伯 / 拉奇蘭·布坎南 / 瑞米·許 / 亞歷山大·霍吉 / Virginie Laverdure / 安東尼·費倫 ...
【類型】劇情 / 喜劇
【豆評】7.1/10 from 144 users
【簡介】《我為養生狂》When human tornado and food critic Liv is diagnosed with ‘catastrophic health’ – trapping her in Australia and jeopardising her dream job in New York – she throws herself body-first into a radical wellness journey, hell-bent on getting well to return home.
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