塔樓:死亡訊息第二季 線上看...

【又名】The Tower II: Death Message / The Tower 2 / The Tower Season 2
【編劇】帕特里克·哈賓森 / Kate London
【導演】Faye Gilbert
【主演】傑瑪·韋蘭 / 羅莎·科杜里 / 妮雅姆·庫薩克 / 塔姆金·奧斯威特 / 維多利亞·羅斯 / 查理·帕爾默·羅斯韋爾 ...
【類型】劇情 / 懸疑
【集數】4集 (已完結)
【豆評】7.6/10 from 180 users
【簡介】《塔樓:死亡訊息第二季》The new series is going to be entitled The Tower II: Death Message and is based on Kate London’s brilliant second novel of the same name. It is being adapted by screenwriter Patrick Harbinson (Homeland, Fearless, 24, ER) and produced by his company Windhover Films and production company Mammoth Screen.The series opens with Lizzie (Tahirah Sharif) returning to Farlow station wh...
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