佳偶天成 線上看...

【又名】天堂製造 / Made in Heaven
【編劇】卓婭·阿赫塔爾 / 里馬·卡蒂 / 阿蘭克里塔·什里瓦斯塔瓦
【導演】卓婭·阿赫塔爾 / Nitya Mehra / 阿蘭克里塔·什里瓦斯塔瓦 ...
【主演】阿見·馬瑟 / 索比塔·杜里帕拉 / 吉姆·薩伯 / 卡琪·柯切林 / 沙沙恩·阿羅拉 / Shivani Raghuvanshi ...
【類型】劇情 / 愛情 / 同性
【簡介】《佳偶天成》Made In Heaven chronicles the lives of Tara and Karan, two wedding planners based in Delhi. India is a potent blend of old and new. Tradition jostles with modern aspirations against the backdrop of a Big Fat Indian Wedding revealing many secrets and many lies. The supposedly liberal fabric of the upper crust unravels as the duo navigate through arranged marriages, dowry transac...
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