連環殺手的妻子 線上看...

【又名】The Serial Killer’s Wife
【編劇】Suzanne Cowie / Ben Morris
【主演】安娜貝爾·斯考莉 / 傑克·法辛 / 盧克·崔德威 / 朱莉·格雷厄姆 / 本傑明奧馬奧尼 / Alara-Star Khan ...
【類型】劇情 / 懸疑 / 驚悚
【集數】4集 (已完結)
【簡介】《連環殺手的妻子》Every marriage has its secrets...When her husband is arrested on suspicion of being a serial killer, Beth Fairchild (Annabel Scholey) is certain it’s all a huge mistake. Tom (Jack Farthing) is the village doctor and a beloved member of the community. Yet, as she investigates, with the help of Tom\'s best friend Adam (Luke Treadaway), more evidence emerges that will force Beth t...
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